dream it possible-delacey
i will run, i will climb, i will soar
i'm undefeated
jumpiing out of my skin, pull the chord
yeah i believe it
the past, is everything we were
don't make us who we are
so i'll dream, until i make it real,
and all i see is stars
its not until you fall that you fly
when your dreams come alive you're unstoppable
take a shot, chase the sun, find the beautiful
we will glow in the dark turning dust to gold
and we'll dream it possible
and we'll dream it possible
i will chase, i will reach, i will fly
until i'm breaking, until i'm breaking
out of my cage, like a bird in the night
i know i'm changing, i know i'm changing
in, into something big, better than before
and if it takes, takes a thousand lives
then it's worth fighting for
its not until you fall that you fly
when your dreams come alive you're unstoppable
take a shot, chase the sun, find the beautiful
we will glow in the dark turning dust to gold
and we'll dream it possible
it possible
from the bottom to the top
we're sparking wild fire's
never quit and never stop
the rest of our lives
from the bottom to the top
we're sparking wild fire's
never quit and never stop
its not until you fall that you fly
when your dreams come alive you're unstoppable
take a shot, chase the sun, find the beautiful
we will glow in the dark turning dust to gold
and we'll dream it possible
and we'll dream it possible
態度決定一切 態度在人生觀念中起著重要的作用,因為態度決定一切。對待人生要以正確的態度去面對,對待的態度不一樣結果也就不一樣。面對生活中同樣的事物,不同的人會有不同的反應,會採取不同的態度。有這樣一個小故事 三個工人在砌一堵牆。有人過來問他們 你們在幹什麼?第一個人抬頭苦笑著說 沒看見嗎?砌牆!我正...
藝術意蘊是指深藏copy在藝bai術作品中內在的含義du 或意味,常常具有多義性 模糊性和朦zhi朧性,體現為一種哲dao理 詩情或神韻,經常是隻可意會,不可言傳,需要欣賞者反覆領會 細心感悟,用全部心靈去 和領悟。藝術意蘊的理解,我們可以從以下幾個方面來加以認識 第一,藝術意蘊從一定意義上來講。就...
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