the study also indicated that low-temperature magnetic moment in the system increased with increasing intra-shell exchange-coupling coefficient and anisotropic coefficient, while decreased with increasing inter-shell exchange-coupling coefficient. when the electron-spin quantum numbers in two shells are equal (s1=s2), the two low-temperature magnetic moment curves had some overlap, in contrast, when s1≠s2, the curves were separated. the magnetic moment decreased monotonously with increasing temperature.
neel temperature (nt) increased with increasing electron-spin quantum number, intra-shell exchange-coupling coefficient, and anisotropic coefficient,while increased with decreasing inter-shell exchange-coupling coefficient. when s1≠s2, nt increased with increasing intra-shell exchange-coupling coefficient and anisotropic coefficient, and increased with decreasing inter-shell exchange-coupling coefficient. the effects of magnetic field intensity (b) on tn were as follows:
tns of m1 and m2 magnetic moment branches increased and decreased with increasing b, respectively. when s1≠s2, the effects of b on tn were as follows: ever increasing b, tn of m1 magnetic moment branch initially increased, then decreased, finally increased again, while that of m2 initially increased and then decreased.
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