after taking off, when the aircraft is flying to the city's sky suddenly continuous vibration. all of us are very afraid, but the airline stewardess to comfort us, and told us that she had ever experienced the same thing, then we are all is well. sure enough, as she said that, after a while the plane was restored to normal.
英語翻譯:after taking off, when the plane is flying to the city suddenly shook. we are all very scared, but the flight attendant try to comfort us, and told us that she had also experienced the same thing, then we are safe.
sure enough, as she puts it, after a while the plane is back to normal.
我將飛機飛行原理告訴你,就能解答你的問題了!牛頓三大運動定律 第一定律 除非受到外來的作用力,否則物體的速度 v 會保持不變 沒有受力即所有外力合力為零,當飛機在天上保持等速直線飛行時,這時飛機所受的合力為零,與一般人想像不同的是,當飛機降落保持相同下沉率下降,這時升力與重力的合力仍是零,升力並未減...
可能是以下幾個情況 1.天氣不好,導航 2.飛行員飛行訓練 3.處理緊急事故 為什麼今天南京上空有兩架直升飛機在低空盤旋?最近南京市大比武,在浦口 南京江寧區駐紮有南京軍區,那裡經常有 低空飛行 這兩天南京上空為什麼會有那麼多 在飛 30 前幾年有聽說晉江的民航機場要搬到惠安 因為它更適合做軍用的 ...
去看一下抄 襲kagaya的畫吧 bai 也許你會du 看到zhi些什麼 夢這種東西 很多說法也沒有個定論 既然快中考了 就不要多慮了 把重點放在知識點上吧 祝你成功 我真的想說,去看一看弗洛依德的 夢的解析 吧 他的理論是 夢專都是 願望屬的實現 夢本身不預兆什麼,但是是潛意識的體現,而這種潛意識...