
2021-05-29 19:39:44 字數 845 閱讀 7264


你要的是中世紀末義大利詩人但丁(dante alighieri,1265-1321)的詩歌吧,我從《新生》(la vita nuova)的英譯本中選一首給你,譯者是dante gabriel rossetti


beyong the sphere which spreads to widest space

now soars the sigh that my heart sends above:

a new perception born of grieving love

guideth it upward the untrodden ways.

when it hath reach'd unto the end, and stays,

it sees a lady round whom splendours move

in homage; till, by the great light thereof

abash'd, the pilgrim spirit stands at gaze.

it sees her such, that when it tells me this

which it hath seen, i understand it not,

it hath a speech so subtile and so fine.

and yet i know its voice within my thought

often remenbereth me of beatrice:

so that i understand it, ladies mine.

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