
2021-03-19 18:21:26 字數 1356 閱讀 9358


小題1:to plant

小題2:informed of / having been informed of

小題3:why it is

小題4:wouldn』t have ***pleted

小題5:(that) i have(ever) read

小題6:have we heard from her

小題7:live as rich and full a life

小題8:to have been broken into

小題9:you will be allowed

小題10:that we should stay calm


小題1:考查with符合結構:有這麼多的樹要種,農民拒絕休息:說明樹將要種,用with+賓語+不定式:to plant

小題2:考查過去分詞或者現在分詞的完成被動式做狀語:informed of / having been informed of,they和inform 是動賓關係,用過去分詞做狀語也可以理解成有先後關係,用現在分詞的完成被動式做狀語。

小題3:考查強調句的特殊問句,句型是:疑問詞+is/was+that+其餘部分,因為是做賓語從句:所以語序改成陳述句:why it is

小題4:考查虛擬語氣:這裡的otherwise ="if" it hadn』t been for your help,主句用wouldn』t have ***pleted

小題5:考查定語從句:先行詞是the most attractive book,定語從句中缺少賓語用that引導,而且可以省略,因為先行詞是被最高階修飾,所以不能用which:

(that) i have(ever) read

小題6:考查倒裝句:never放在and後面的句子開頭,這句話用部分倒裝,因為是和since then連用,用現在完成時.have we heard from her

小題7:考查as…as結構:as+adj+a/an+名詞 +as這樣的順序要注意:填live as rich and full a life

小題8:考查不定式的用法:seem to have done似乎已經做了什麼:to have been broken into

小題9:考查時態語態:條件狀語從句是if you can win the game today, 主句是一般將來時,而且you和allow是被動關係,用you will be allowed

小題10:考查主語從句:主語從句是完整的時候用that引導,而且that不能省略:that we should stay calm


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