
2021-05-23 00:44:38 字數 1025 閱讀 2385


1.there is a little thing.it has the number from 0 to 9.

if you want to hear someone,you can ***e

to use it.what is it? (telephone)

2.which man can't live in the house? (stoneman)

3.which number continues? 2,6,8,12,14,18? (20, 24)

4.what is we never borrow but often give back (return home)


1.there is a funny english word.its first two letters stand for a man,the first three letters

for a woman.what is the word? (he, her,here, hero(英雄), hertz(輻射波單位, 赫茲), hernia(疝氣)

2.which fruit sound like two? (pear, 發音有點像 pair)

3.betty brown is an english girl.she marries a man named john **ith.what's the girl's name

after she is married?

a.betty john. b.betty **ith (正確答案).

c.brown **ith. d.**ith betty.

4.what must you do to make the equation below true?

81 × 9 = 801 (80 x 9) + 9 x 9

5.what time is it when a clock strikes 13 times? (any time as the clock needs to repair)


把12個球分別編上號,並隨意分成3組。不失一般性,分別為 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 第一稱 把 與 組放在天平兩端稱。結果有兩種情況 一種是平 另一種是不平,不妨假設組 重於組 先來看平的情況。則1 8號球全部正常。次品必在組 即在9 12號球中。在9 12號球中任選3個...


設第五隻猴子拿走的那份有n個,則第五隻猴子到來的時候應該5n 1個桃子 而5n 1是第4個猴子拿走一份後剩下的4份,5n 1是的倍數 而5n 1 4n n 1,n 1是4的倍數,設n 1 4k,即n 4k 1 5n 1 20k 4 4 5k 1 即第四隻猴子拿走的那一份桃子是5k 1個 也就是第四隻...


老早的題了!暈你咋能這樣解釋呢!牌是被挑選好的!已經固定的!1就算按你說的p先生被告訴的的是2或者3!但是2和3有方塊麼!只有黑桃那麼q先生就會被告知是黑桃!如果q先生被告知是黑桃的話他就不可能說 我知道你不知道這張牌 首先我們知道牌已經定下了!q先生說了我知道你不知道這張牌!首先這句話是條件!換個...