
2022-11-29 05:00:09 字數 1138 閱讀 4491



1 after welding, localized burnish polished, operation, existing gap from starting and development is studied.the crack to crack


2 heat treatment process, if the heat treatment temperature is not within the scope of the technological requirements, it is easy to cause material defects


3 welding parameters, lead to excessive weld seam local brittle. but more detailed reasons need to provide real give special welding research organization.


1 after welding, localized burnish polished, operation, existing gap from starting and development is studied.the crack to crack

2 heat treatment process, if the heat treatment temperature is not within the scope of the technological requirements, it is easy to cause material defects

3 welding parameters, lead to excessive weld seam local brittle. but more detailed reasons need to provide real give special welding research organization.


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