
2022-09-15 12:35:17 字數 700 閱讀 1973


may i ask you what is your purpose for the daily talk? as i think , it is no doubt that you want to communicate with the others.

what is the purpose given for daily talk.

the purpose of daily talk is given for communicating with other people.

從動態理念上看;stand out from的意義是;從某名詞 遠離了,如,the ship has stood out from the shore.有時候用於比較的話,有出色的意義,如;his work stands out from that of the others


1\for what purpose dose the daily talk give to **

2\這個句子對(do you think……)

3、stand out from意思是脫穎而出


what's your purpose of raising these questions? the sentences are all right

看看英語句子翻譯的對不對 初中

第2句和第4句還不錯 第1句 死要面子活受罪,或咱們一手交錢一手交貨第3句 我還沒死呢,而且扁你一頓綽綽有餘 僅供參考 第一句 在邊界逗留或付出代價。其餘的還好。1.不要出格,否責就得付出代價。2。對3。我還沒死,我還能對付你。4。對 英語句子翻譯,幫忙看看對不對,謝謝 初中英語句子翻譯 如下 興趣...


therefore,don t be afraid to be different,and be confident that your individuality may be 可能是 a magic weapon to succeed.遠親不如近鄰 a far off relative is n...


no economics 應當改為 not in economics 這句的結構一般都是用完成時,至於過完還是現完取決於你要表達什麼。the country has had made giant strides in politics but not in economics.英語句子,幫我看看對不...