
2022-03-27 12:48:17 字數 1394 閱讀 8495


i went to beijing with my family. we went there by train. the

train was comfortable. we spent five days visiting beijing. on the first

day, we went to tian'an men square, it is so big. and there were lots

of people taking photos. then we went to the palace museum. we saw

thousands of houses. kings lived there before. i felt interesting. the

second day was cloudy, so we went to the museums. we saw many old

things. on teh third day we went to the great wall. it was so great! we

were tired.


i went to changcheng with my family. we went there by train. the

train was comfortable. we spent five days visiting beijing. on the first

day, we went to tian'an men square, it is so big. and there were lots

of people taking photos. then we went to the palace museum. we saw

thousands of houses. kings lived there before. i felt interesting. the

second day was cloudy, so we went to the museums. we saw many old

things. on teh third day we went to the great wall. it was so great! we

were tired.


xcv xxbbbn·


but i noticed a family standing outside the locked door,

初二英語作文六十詞,15篇,帶翻譯!!急急急! 15



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