private sub command1_click()
dim max as integer, maxi as integer, min as integer, mini as integer
dim a(10) as integer
for i = 1 to 10
a(i) = int(((99 - 10 + 1) * rnd) + 10)
print a(i);
next i
max = a(1): maxi = 1: min = a(1): mini = 1
for i = 2 to 10
if a(i) > max then max = a(i): maxi = i
if a(i) < min then min = a(i): mini = i
next i
print "第" & maxi & "個元素最大=" & max & " " & "第" & mini & "個元素最小=" & min
end sub
dim a%(9)
private sub form_click()randomize
print "原數列"
for i = 0 to 9
a(i) = int(rnd * 11 + 10)print a(i);
max = a(0): min = a(0)for i = 1 to 9
if max < a(i) then max = a(i)if min > a(i) then min = a(i)next
print "最大值:"; max; " 最小值:"; minend sub
private sub command1_click()randomize
max = 0
min = 100
print "10個隨機整數為:"
for i = 1 to 10
x = int(rnd * 90) + 10print x;
if x > max then max = xif x < min then min = xnext i
print "最大值:"; max
print "最小值:"; min
end sub
73 58 62 36 37 79 11 78 83 73排序後的陣列為
83 79 78 73 73 62 58 37 36 11該陣列元素各個元素的和是 590 最大元素是 83 最小元素是 11
dim a(9) as integer,i as integer ,max as integer,min as integer , s as integer
for i=0 to 9
a(i)=rnd* 1)*90+10
if i=0 then or a(i)>max then max=a(i)
if i=0 or a(i) print a(i); next i print print "最大數為"& max & ",最小數為" & min & ",平均值為" & (s/10) vb程式設計「生成10個二位數,求出其中的最大值、最小值、平均值,並指出最大最小值是第幾個隨機數」 6樓:匿名使用者 private sub command1_click()dim max, min, pj, a(1 to 10)pj = 0 max = 0 min = 100 randomize print "產生的10個數為:"; for i = 1 to 10 a(i) = int(rnd(1) * 90 + 10)if a(i) > max then max = a(i)if a(i) < min then min = a(i)pj = pj + 0.1 * a(i) print a(i); next i print print "最大數為:", max print "最小數為:", min print "平均數為:", pj end sub 7樓:匿名使用者 private sub command1_click()dim n(1 to 10), max, min, i as integer dim q, w, s as integers = 0 for i = 1 to 10 randomize n(i) = int(rnd * 90 + 10)print n(i) next i max = n(1) min = n(1) for i = 1 to 10 if n(i) > max then max = n(i) q = i end if if n(i) < min then min = n(i) w = i end if s = s + n(i) next i print "最大為第" & q & "位,為:" & max; " 最小為第" & w & "位,為:" & min print "平均數為:"; s / 10end sub vb產生30個0~1000的隨機整數,放入一個陣列中,輸出最大值 8樓:兄弟連教育北京總校 '實現**如下 private sub form_click()me.cls dim n(1 to 30) as integerdim i%,nmax% dim str as string '產生30個0-1000的隨機數並寫入陣列randomize for i = 1 to 30 n(i) = int((1000 - 0 + 1) * rnd + 0) str = str & n(i) & " " if i mod 10=0 then str=str & vbcrlf next i '找最大值 nmax=n(1) for i = 1 to 30 if n(i)>nmax then nmax=n(i)next i print str '窗體顯示隨機數 print "最大值:" & nmax end sub 怎麼用vb設計 隨機產生10個100到200之間的數,求出最大值與最小值
20 9樓:刺友互 1、首先需要啟動vb6.0,新建一個標準exe工程。 2、開啟vb6.0之後,在窗體上繪製一個命令按鈕。 3、接下來需要雙擊命令按鈕進入**視窗。 4、接下來開始編輯按鈕的單擊事件。 5、最後就可以按f5執行測試。求出最大值與最小值。 10樓:指尖遊戲 dim a(9) as integer '定義一個整數變數陣列,大小為10 for i = 0 to 9 randomize ' a(i) = int(rnd * 100 + 100) '隨機生成10個數字 next dim b as integer '定義一個臨時變數for i = 0 to 8 for j = i + 1 to 9 if a(j) < a(i) then '將9個數按照大小排序 b = a(j) a(j) = a(i) a(i) = b end if next next 最大值為a(9),最小值為a(0) 11樓:瘋狂小鳥 如圖所示,望採納。。。。 12樓: private sub form_load()dim n, a, max as integern = 1 max = int(rnd * 101 + 100)print max; don = n + 1 a = int(rnd * 101 + 100)print a; if a > max then max = aloop while n < 10 print print max end sub 應當可以 13樓:匿名使用者 如圖所示,望~~。。。。 j的起始值應該從2開始 include include include using namespace std void prime int a 10 void main if t 0 break cout cout n 其中的素數有 prime a void prime int a 10 if t... private sub button1 click byval sender as system.object,byval e as system.eventargs handles button1.click dim m 100 as integerdim n 128 as integerrand... 被計算機2級考試折磨的可憐娃兒 private sub form load dim mr 1 to 50 as byte,x as byte dim i as long,j as long,t as long,b as boolean dim so as string 產生50個隨機二位整數 ran...C 用隨機函式產生互不相同的兩位整數存放到一維陣列中,並輸出其中的素數