VB程式設計,輸入平面上任一點的座標 x,y ,判斷並顯示該點位

2021-08-18 00:13:29 字數 1308 閱讀 7417


function which(byval p as pointf) as string

dim tp as string = math.sign(p.x) & "," & math.sign(p.y)

select case tp

case "0,0"

return "原點"

case "0,1", "0,-1"

return "y軸"

case "1,0", "-1,0"

return "x軸"

case "1,1"

return "第一象限"

case "-1,1"

return "第二象限"

case "-1,-1"

return "第三象限"

case "1,-1"

return "第四象限"

end select

end function


dim inx as long ,iny as longinx = val(inputbox("請輸入x軸數值"))iny = val(inputbox("請輸入y軸數值"))if inx>0 then

if iny>0 then 'x,y >0 第一象限msgbox "座標(" & inx & "," & iny & ") 在第一象限"

elseif iny<0 then ' x> 0 >y第四象限msgbox "座標(" & inx & "," & iny & ") 在第四象限"

end if

elseif inx<0 then

if iny>0 then 'y>0>x 第二象限msgbox "座標(" & inx & "," & iny & ") 在第二象限"

elseif iny<0 then ' x0 thenmsgbox "座標在x軸上"

end if

end if

if iny=0 then

if inx<>0 then

msgbox "座標在y軸上"

end if

end if




include "math.h"

class point

};class line

float getdistance(point p)};void main()


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