
2021-07-28 20:40:14 字數 1770 閱讀 4620


on the floor——jennifer lopez

it's a new generation of party people

darling get on the floor

darling get on the floor

let me introduce you to my party people

in the club...


i』m loose

and everybody knows i get off the chain

baby it』s the truth

i』m like inception i play with your brain

so i don』t sleep i snooze

i don』t play no games so don』t get it confused no

cos you will lose yeah

now pump it up

and back it up like a tonka truck

[jennifer lopez]

if you go hard you gotta get on the floor

if you』re a party freak then step on the floor

if your an animal then tear up the floor

break a sweat on the floor

yeah we work on the floor

don』t stop keep it moving

put your drinks up

pick your body up and drop it on the floor

let the rhythm change your world on the floor

you know we』re running sh*t tonight on the floor

brazil morocco

london to ibiza

straight to la, new york

vegas to africa


dance the night away

live your life ,and stay young on the floor

dance the night away

grab somebody drink a little more


tonight we gon』 be it on the floor


tonight we gon』 be it on the floor


that『s my girl


g squadron, producing fearfhe shaken air like s


cture that day as far in the future. when


是詹妮弗 洛佩茲的on the floor.


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