1.i want to know if you are late. tell me if you are late.
i want to know why you are late.tell me why you are late.
2.i want to know if you are dirty. tell me if you are dirty.
i want to know why you are dirty.tell me why you are dirty.
3.i want to know if you are lazy. tell me if you are lazy.
i want to know why you are lazy.tell me why you are lazy.
4.i want to know if you are busy. tell me if you are busy.
i want to know why you are busy.tell me why you are busy.
把例句的tired分別換成形容詞late,dirty, lazy, busy就可以了
未來會怎麼樣?城市將有更多汙染,樹會更少。100年後人們還會用錢嗎?不,所有的東西都會免費到時候世界會和平嗎?是的,希望如此 孩子們會在家裡用電腦學習嗎?他們不會再去學校了 將來會怎麼樣?城市將更受汙染。在100年的時間裡,人們會用更少的錢來使用錢嗎?不,他們不會。一切都將是自由的,有世界和平嗎?是...
when two positive charge relative motion,due to the relative movement,they must be in the opposite direction,the current in the opposite direction,mag...
1.你可以在傳給我幾張 嗎 could you please send me several more photos?2.你什麼時候來英國 when shall you come to britain?3.你為什麼不講話 why don t you say a word?4.我說錯什麼話拉嗎 am ...