had a sports meeting last friday. all of the students took an active part in it. our class did very well in the sports meeting.
the boys won the boys' 400 metres, and the girls won the girls' 200 metres. i joined in the sports meeting, too. in the long jump, i won the second prize.
but unluckily, i was the last one in the high jump. though the sports meeting has been over, i'll always remember the spirit of " faster, higher and stronger".
馬上就要開運動會了,六年級馬上就要開運動會的作文 400字
流血流汗不流淚,掉皮掉肉不掉隊,六年三班必勝 春風吹,戰鼓擂,我們六 3 怕過誰!六年級三班的運動會口號 強身健體 立志成材 三班三班 非同一般 揚帆把舵 奮勇拼搏 看我三班 銳不可當 三班三班 勇奪桂冠 齊心協力 共創輝煌 三年三班 猛虎出山 三年三班 銳不可當 三班精英 敢闖敢拼 齊心協力 爭創...
生命精彩 造物主創造了生命,使得世間有了活力。生命在歷史的長河中繁衍,綻放了絢麗奪目的光彩。生命自產生起就是為了精彩而存在。塞內卡說過 生命如同寓言,其價值不在長短,而在內容。生命只有煥發光彩,方不辱沒生命的意義。歷史長河中,無數英烈為了使生命變得精彩而做出了生與死的抉擇。屈原為了使自己的生命變得精...