crucian carp in scallion oilbraised beef tendon with scallionbraised sea cucumber with scallionstewed sausage
braised beef with tomatobraised beef with radish
malay satay nine fish belly(馬來沙嗲九肚魚)
cod fish roll shaping singular taste (奇味鱈魚卷)
fried fish heads-mei(祕製雙味大頭魚)
driven health burning big head(砂鍋生燒大魚頭 )
ghulam first fish(古法蒸魚頭)
pickle owls prolyl(雪菜黃魚脯)
pumped melon sauce lines(銀牙瓜醬魚絲)
boiling sashimi(沸騰生魚片)
fish auspicious rice crust(吉祥鍋巴魚 )
bamboo ***work big fish(竹網大黃魚)
turkey tofu(剁椒臭豆腐 )
break egg yolk(蛋黃獅子頭)
garlic yuan horseshoe(紅燜元蹄)
hunan stem burglary **all hen(湖南幹爆小母雞)
broken acid meat pie beans folder(肉碎酸豆角夾餅)
boiled fried eel(水煮鱔魚)
crystal river shrimps(水晶河蝦仁)
characteristics gluten(特色麵筋)
spiciness chanzui frogs(麻辣饞嘴蛙)
shrimp burglary eel(蝦爆鱔)
grandmother pork braised in brown sauce(外婆紅燒肉)
chongqing maoxiewang(重慶毛血旺)
characteristics shrimp sauce(特色油爆蝦)
large shrimp seed wucang(蝦籽大烏參)
braised circle(紅燒圈子)
dorm chicken tianfu(天府辣子雞)
sichuan twice-cooked pork pie folder(川味回鍋肉夾餅)
ma great tofu(麻婆豆腐)
crisps prawns(香酥大蝦)
請幫我把這幾個菜名翻譯成英文!謝謝 20
1.石鍋煎魚頭 shi guo jian fish head2.雨花石滾肥牛 yuhua stone rolls fat cow
3.鹹蛋黃蝦仁豆腐 salty egg-yolk shelled fresh shrimp bean curd
4.揚州高湯煮乾絲 yangchow soup stock boils the silk
1. 石鍋煎魚頭 ishinabe first taste
2. 雨花石滾肥牛 plump rolling stone3. 鹹蛋黃蝦仁豆腐 shrimps, tofu and salted egg yolk
4. 揚州高湯煮乾絲 yangzhou add boiling having
1.stone boiler fried fish head2.yu hua stone rolls the fat cattle
3.salty yolk shelled fresh shrimps bean curd
4.yangzhou soup-stock cooks dry silk
malaysia satay pho soup
thai tom yam kung pho dong
pho soup sirloin cantonese gold
hong kong-style fried pho
thai sweet chilli sauce chicken powder volume
high-volume powder gold sirloin
cantonese sirloin gold powder juice volume
chicken curry rice the british royal family
well-known cantonese egg fried rice
cantonese rice sirloin gold
thai sweet chicken spicy rice
the british royal family sirloin curry rice
hong kong-style sirloin carrot juice
malaysia satay during powder
during the winter of thailand tom yam kung powder
cantonese gold brisket during powder
1 the powder. fry
thailand sweet spicy chicken sauce roll powder
the gold brisket roll powder
cantonese gold brisket juice roll powder
the british royal family chicken curry mix rice
cantonese well-known eggs fried rice
cantonese food. gold brisket mix
sweet spicy chicken with rice in thailand
the british royal family curry brisket mix rice
carrot juice 1 flank
泡椒肥腸 pork intestines stri fried with pickled peppers
乾煸茶樹菇 quick fried teatree mushroom
宮爆雞丁 kung-pao chicken(spicy diced chicken with peanuts)
肥腸米線 pork intestines and rice noodles in soup
青椒回鍋肉 double cooked pork slices with pepper
青椒肉絲 shredded beef with green pepper
十八香豆腐 spied tofu (beancurd)
豉香豇豆 chinese long(yard-long) bean with black bean sauce
幹炒河粉 stir fried beef with rice noodles
魚香肉絲 shredded pork with garlic sauce
螞蟻上樹 ants climbing a tree: spicy vermicelli stir-fry
西紅柿炒蛋 scrambled eggs and tomatoes
麻婆豆腐 mapo tofu
魚香茄子 fish fragrant eggplant (茄子英文也稱:brinjal)
上湯娃娃菜 baby cabbage in chicken soup
地三鮮 fried potato, green pepper and eggplant (brinjal)
雙椒玉米粒 sautéed two-colour pepper and sweet corn
手撕蓮白 shredded white lotus root
青椒土豆絲 shredded green pepper & shredded patato
白灼菜心 boiled chinese flowering cabbage
油麥菜 leaf lettuce
主食:main foodstaple
揚州炒飯 "yeung chow」 egg-fried rice
蛋炒飯 egg-fried rice
咖哩炒飯 curry fried rice
紅油水餃 boiled dumpling with chilli/chili oil
紅燒牛肉麵 braised beef & noodles in brown sauce
白米飯 steam rice
綠豆排骨湯 mung bean spare ribs soup
酸菜粉絲湯 pickled cabbage and vermicelli soup
番茄煎蛋湯 fried egg tomato soup
素菜湯 vegetable soup
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