
2021-03-19 18:25:40 字數 1037 閱讀 2193


***work, my paradise

ever since i bought a home ***puter, then i will crush on a ***puter. although i don't understand what those programs, but for online games but i am well. ***work has be***e a good friend in my life.

inter*** access various material, can press. in the school, the teacher let us prepare material, i usually check, very convenient. if not, the ***puter may be inconvenient, and don't know the news all over the world, material, (also books each find) so ***puters became part of people's life.

but i am most interested or ***work game: moore manor, an island... there are some ** online generally, many.

at first i typing speed is super slow (single), as i shengong refers to chat on the ***, my typing speed is quick, is corrected my mistake. in school, students often discuss ***work game, the ***work has be***e my life will not lack of "tool".

***work is the sea of knowledge, let us enjoy is an open space, let us keep in the park navigate!


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