
2021-03-19 18:23:36 字數 677 閱讀 9552


i have a new friend. his name is tom. he ***es from the uk.

he is a 13-years-old boy. he is tall and thin. he has a short beautiful golden hair.

he likes swimming and traveling. he also likes studying chinese because he likes chinese. he thinks chinese are friendly.

he often said it hardly to study chinese well. but i have some advice for him. on the one hand, i think he could read more chinese books.

it's good for him to learn chinese well. on the other hand, he should talk to others in chinese. than he can speak chinese **ooth.

he is a clever boy, i think he can do it well.



他可能認為你不理會他的好,或你對喜歡的理解扭曲了 美意司 這樣很無聊啊 戀愛時男孩子對女友說 你已經麻木了 是什麼意思呢?男生覺得對女生的付出多於收穫。男生感到這個女生有點不夠敏感,或身在福中不知福,希望女生對他更在乎一點。就是說你對他的愛有點少 是不是在表示男生對女生已經沒有感覺了呢個人想法.你已...




會 喜歡就要大膽說出來 當然會啊,幸福是把握在自己手中的 會啊,因為喜歡她,所以不能放棄 會的 喜歡就要去爭取知道嗎 女生回答,如果你喜歡一個人你會去主動追他嗎?每個女孩性格不一樣吧,如果是我,一開始不會主動追他,但會關注他,不讓他發現在關注他,關注他同事會多觀察他的生活習慣,愛好,交往圈,如果他的...