句型轉化 超急啊,句型轉化 超急急急啊

2025-03-11 22:55:19 字數 1233 閱讀 2009

句型轉化 超急急急啊


is your photo on the desk?(改為複數形式)are your photos on the desk ?

keys are (in the desk).(對括號內提問)where are his keys ?


i don't know.

is a (picture of his family).(對括號內提問)

what is this ?

they,the,are,bookcase(?)連詞成句)are they in the bookcase ?

祝你學習進步,更上一層樓! (不明白的再問喲,請及時採納,多謝!

句型轉換 出10個.稍微有點難度,


girl is singing in the classroom.(改為否定句)(改為一般疑問句)

are looking for bag.(對畫線部分提問)

am mending my bike now.(同上)

are twelve studens over there.(同上)

can speak english.(改為一般疑問句)

has a strawberry.(改為複數句)

_some __

can see a ruler (in my desk).(對畫括號的句子者磨提問)

_you see a ruler?

s (on the first of january).(對畫括號鋒嫌衡的句子提問)

_is new year's day?

are (tewenty-four)girls in our class?(對畫括號的句子提問)

_girls are there in your class?

is (your)pen .(對畫括號的句子提問)

_pen is this

shouldn't make noise here.( 改為意思相近的句子)

please __

goes to school at seven.( 改為一般疑問句)

_he___school at seven?

students (are reading) now.(對畫括號的句子提問銀做)

_the students __now?


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1 翦翦 形容風輕且帶有點寒意 2 漏聲殘指天快亮 燼 和 殘 點明時間是黎明破曉時分 3 春色惱人眠不得 點明是春季,陣陣寒 說明時令是初春時節,乍暖還寒 4 第一句是從視覺 聽覺角度寫香盡漏殘 二句從觸覺角度寫黎明破曉時分的夜寒意 都是寫景抒情,烘托作者心境 5 春色惱人眠不得點題 6 此詩為政...