make market research to understand the customer demand for goods,increase production of goods to meet customer demands in the special period . improve the arrangements of the work for the workers not to work overtime.
do market research to understand the customer demand for goods. increase in the special period of production of goods to meet customer demands. work to improve the arrangements for the workers not to work overtime.
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僱主和製造商協會委員會解僱了已陷入四面楚歌的該組織的執行長alasdair thompson。the board of the employers and manufacturers association has fired the organisation s embattled chief e...
誰在乎什麼學校和學院教 學生學如何會很感興趣的回憶錄 回憶錄 的拉爾夫 w 泰勒,誰是世界上最著名的美國教育的人。出生於芝加哥1902年,提出並訓練在內布拉斯加州,這位19歲的大學畢業生拉爾夫 泰勒成了沉迷於教學在教學過程是一種科學老師在南達科塔州和改變了他的主要由醫藥教育。研究生的工作芝加哥大學的...