
2021-12-20 22:50:11 字數 663 閱讀 2553


i cried, becuase i had no shoes to wear. until a day, i met a person without feet, so i stopped cry, because i realized that i am still blessed!

我哭了,因為我沒有鞋子穿。 直到有一天,我遇見一個沒有腳的人。 我停止了哭泣, 因為我發現我仍然幸福。




the seals which in the aquarium are smart

there is no octopus

what did you do on your last journey

how is your journey

they went to aquarium that day

they bought many presents after lunch

the weather is fine when they lived in california

歌曲紫藤花英文版的歌名,紫藤花英文版 叫什麼?

westlife的 是西班牙文傷感之類的意思 westlife soledad 紫藤花英文版 叫什麼?紫藤花原名叫 soledad westlife 是 西域男孩 唱的 hoho 紫藤,學名 wisteria sinensis 別名藤蘿 朱藤 黃環。屬豆科 紫藤屬,一種落葉攀援纏繞性大藤本植物。幹皮...


proud of you fiona fung 容祖兒唱得 我的驕傲 有一首英文歌跟她的一樣,女生唱得 叫什麼名字歌名?有一首英文歌,是個男的唱的,歌名翻譯過來似乎是美好時光,英文名叫什麼啊,beautiful time owl city的 很好聽 有一首英文歌,中文名叫 我們永遠不會再複合 這首歌...


這首歌是翻唱westlife的soledad if only you could see the tears in the world you left behind if only you could heal my heart just one more time even when i clo...