12. d b c a
3. playing the violin plays the violin skating skates playing football
plays football watching tv watches tv flying kites flies kites
23. 1) nurse 2) she is a cleaner. 3) he is a tv reporter.
4) he is a salesperson.
5) he is a driver. 6) she is an actress.
31. ③ ① ⑤ ② ④
2. 1) seed 2) soil 3) water 4) plant 5) hobbies
3. soil sun water sprout
4. river sky cloud water drop
我也並知道,但第一個是what's the matter?
1.b a a a 22.b a b b b 3.1 d 2 c 3 a 4 b 33.2 4 3 1 42.chinese dictionary post card magazine ic book news 3.1 b 2 c 3 a 4 b 53.where are you buy what ...
pend and write.下面7個是短母音,發音時要短促有力.答案 1 選cinema 4 選well 6 選traffic2 選money 5 選fall 7 選bookstore3 選together 順序 5 1 2 3 4 1.actor的意思是男演員,所以答案是女演員 actress2...
a米英語 你要的是這個吧?希望能幫到你 加油哦!這都不會 你先關住一下am英語老師吧!我有這個問題的答案,但是我不知道如何拍照呢?本人用的可是手機呀,不過下方有答案,抱歉了,這都不會?有單身的小哥哥嘛 六年級下冊英語書第36頁怎樣翻譯?額無語了,教材都不一樣的,怎麼給你?你寫出來嗎 我又不知道你用哪...