
2021-04-13 13:53:31 字數 641 閱讀 6301


i want to show a magic to everyone. this is an escape from the rope about magic.

look, there are two rope. oh, yes, i will invite a clas**ate to help. well, you.

lang teacher, you can come with me.

ok, now please take this rope. then i use these two rope tied to myself, "look, one, two, three, and the three" tie. ok, now i put this rope also give you.

okay, i count to three, please you pull the two rope. one, two, three.

see, i come from a rope!

e68a8462616964757a686964616f31333238666366 and the rope wasn't broken.

this is my magic. thank everybody!


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尊敬的樓主 您好!很高興為您服務!祝您愉快!如果我的答案令您滿意!日後可以求助我,我會盡全力幫助您!文化差異 翻譯成英文 cultural difference 飲食diet 語言與文化的差異 differences oflanguage andculture social responsibili...


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