
2022-09-14 04:05:17 字數 351 閱讀 5048


the cards were discount last year.

never mind/it's doesn't matter/that's ok.

how much are your shoes?

your coat doesn't fit the trousers.

the shoes could be discount last year.

can i help you?/what do you want to buy?/ what are you looking for?

much too dear/too expensive.


不會吧 難道我們廉價到這種程度 如此一大段的文章 都不懸賞點分!呵呵 開個玩笑 樓主不要介意啊!這麼大段的翻譯?不會吧。1全部鳥類生活在樹上,松鼠生活在樹上,但是你知道嗎 有些青蛙也生活在樹上?樹蛙很難找到。它們會變色。在綠葉上,它們變成嫩綠或者是深綠色。它們有腿和大腳,在腳趾頭上有粘性的墊,這些粘...


ls大神們,傍晚是at dusk吧 at dusk,he usually swims or runs.第二句把usually改為often就行了 下面的題是after,意思是週日在週六後面 in the evening,he usually swimming or running.in the ev...


1.請寫信告訴我你在中國的生活情況 please write and tell me your life in china 2.我喜歡數學.它有點難,但是很有趣 i like math.it s a bit difficult but it s interesting.3.放學後我們進行半個小時左右...