i was a student last year。
i was not a student last year。(否定句)
were you a student last year?(一般疑問句)
yes i was 。no i was not。
there was a desk in the front of the classroom。
there was not a desk in the front of the classroom。
was there a desk in the front of the classroom?
yes there was 。no there was not。
there were three banks on the green street. three days ago。
there were not three banks on the green street three days ago。
were there three banks on the green street three days ago?
yes ,there were 。
no,there were not。
i was a student last year
i wasnt a student last year was you a student last year yes i was no i wasnt
there was a desk in the front of the classroom yesterday
was there a dest in the front of the classroom yesterday
yes there was no there wasnt
there wasnt a desk in the front of the classroom yesterday
there were two banks on green street three days ago
were there two banks on green street three days ago
yes there were no there werent
there werent two banks on green street three days ago
直線只有一條,所以直線是1條。任意一個點能形成兩個不同的射線,所以有5個點,有10條射線。任意兩個點之間能形成1個線段,有5個點,那麼有 5 4 2 10種選擇,所以有10個線段。因為相鄰的兩個或三個 四個線段組成的,也是線段。有10條線段 10條射線 1條直線 望採納,另外有什麼不會的還可以問我,...
1。一個長方形的周長是36米,它的面積最大是多少平方米?解 當為正方形的時候面積最大 此時邊長為9米,面積為9x9 81平方米 2。一批零件,師傅單獨加工8小時完成,徒弟單獨加工10完成,師徒二人同時加工4小時後海剩10個沒有加工完,原來這批零件有多少個?解 10 1 4x 1 8 1 10 100...
1 practices 2 activities 3 once 4 past 5 diaries 6 biology 7 cute lovely 8 real 9 hill 10 world 加油!不明白再問!如果幫到你,請及時採納,謝謝!1 practice 2 activities 3 once...