my name is xx,a lovely girl.like singing and dancing.every day i eat,i don't like milk,but my mother told me healthy.
i like to eat chocolate,because it is very delicious.i like to eat fruit,because it is sweet.
everyday i sleep very late,but up early in the morning.i like an idol,he called xx,because he is very handsome.i like the color is red and yellow.
i like sports,it can make me alive.i will go on sunday on saturday with classmates,because it is my day of relaxation.my room is a mess,i like it.
this is my life habit,and you?
烤出的鴨子外形美觀,豐盈飽滿,顏色鮮豔,色呈棗紅,皮脆肉嫩,鮮美酥香,肥而不膩,瘦而不柴 描寫植物的作文 快快 急急 被教訓的作文快快快快快快快快急急急急急急急急急 我教妹妹學會了什麼作文快快快快快快快快快快快快急急急急急急急急急 我嘚妹妹 口口bai我嘚妹du妹今年5歲了.別看她才zhi5歲,可是...
我的暑假,好像一個神祕的百寶箱,酸甜苦,樣樣不缺。要聽聽嗎?跟我來!no。1酸 雖說是放暑假了,家裡應該安靜安靜,可媽媽卻帶來一個表弟。一天,爸爸媽媽上班去了,留下我和表弟在家,正好,我在看電視,那表弟竟然跟我 正大光明 的搶遙控器,本來我是讓著他的,後來竟然說我膽小,我肺都要氣炸了,一個 餓狼吞食...
就知道是我們班的,還是自己寫吧,抄作文對你沒好處,而且會被揭發呢 我的某某的作文500字!快快快快快快快快快快快!111 一個作文,500字以上,標題是我的家鄉。要快啊!快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快!我的家鄉 我的家鄉坐落在太行山腳下,一條小溪從村旁流過。從遠處看,那條小溪像一條銀絲帶,...