it keeps people and animals alive.
we use air to blow candles.
we use air to blow up balloons.
we use air to blow up tires.
we should ride bicycles more often.
we can plant more trees.
here is my bedroom.there is a big bed in middle of it,there is a desk in front of the bed,a toy bear and someting are on the desk.there are some pictures are on the wall,some stuff on the floor.
my room is a mess,but i like it.
1 炯炯有神 炯炯 明亮的樣子。形容人的眼睛發亮,很有精神。2 因為第一位畫家畫的不真實,脫離了國王的形象本身,第二位畫家畫的太真實,國王的醜態展露無遺,這兩幅畫都不是國王想要的。3 第三位畫家,畫的是國王瞄準野獸的姿態,不僅表現出國王的勇猛,也很巧妙地迴避了他的短處。請問這道題怎麼寫?3.100個...
lz您好 這一題沒什麼好點子 算吧 設a2 x2,y2 x2 2 t y2 3 2 t 3t 於是t 2 1 b2 2 2,0 設a3 x3,y3 x3 2 2 m y3 3 2 2 m 3m 於是m 3 2 b3 2 3,0 寫到這裡應該發現規律了吧!作為填空題這裡已經可以直接寫答案了。但我假設這...