
2021-03-19 18:19:31 字數 420 閱讀 5699


private sub ***mand1_click()dim m as double

dim n as double

n = val(text1.text)

m = val(text2.text)

text3.text = j(m - n + 1, m) / j(1, n)

end sub


private function j(byval l as double, byval k as double) as double

dim i as integer

j = 1

for i = l to k

j = j * i

next i

end function


include int myfac n int n return s int main 輸入m,n輸出c m,n include include int jc int m int c int m,int n int main void p m n m n 當m n時,怎麼用c語言程式設計,謝謝 1 ...


可以從登錄檔裡或得 每一秒獲取一次如果滿足條件則退出 option explicit 定義相關的api private declare function ntquerysysteminformation lib ntdll byval dwinfotype as long,byval lpstruc...


更直接的方法 不用自定義型別,通過節點號來讀寫座標dim bs 1 to 25 as single i as long for i 1 to 25 bs i 第 i 個節點的x座標 h7fff 第 i 個節點的y座標 記錄座標,第 i 個節點的x和y座標你自己改 next i 下面公式是讀取座標的 ...