誰能告訴我網聊的英語縮寫啊,全一點哦,謝啦 2b or not 2b =》 本人不在電腦前, 也可以是 掛機 的意思。 或者是暫時離開電腦。 aiamu =
can't stop laughing
csl : can't stop laughing 禁不住地笑
csl 計算機結構語言。
***puter structure language 。
u you
ur your
yr year
thx thanks
4 for
2b or not 2b to be or not to be
4ever forever
a/s/l age/***/location
afaic as far as i'm concerned
afaik as far as i know
afk away from keyboard
aiamu and i'm a monkey's uncle
aisi as i see it
aka also known as
ambw all my best wishes
anfawfows and now for a word word from our web sponsor
aots all of the sudden
asafp as soon as "friggin" possible
asap as soon as possible
atst at the same time
awgthtgtta are we going to have to go through this again
awgthtgttsa are we going to have to go through this sh**
aysos are you stupid or something
b4 before
b4n bye for now
bbfbbm body by fisher, brains by mattel
bbiab be back in a bit
bbiaf be back in a few
bbl be back later
bbn bye bye now
b**u be seein' you
bfd big f***ing deal
bfn bye for now
bhof bald headed old fart
bif basis in fact
bitd back in the day
bm byte me
bmota byte me on the ass
bnf big name fan
bohica bend over here it ***es again
br bathroom
brb be right back
brt be right there
bs big **ile
bt byte this
btdt been there done that
btsoom beats the sh** out of me
btw by the way
btwbo be there with bells on
bwdik but what do i know?
bwo black, white or other
ciao goodbye (in italian)
cid consider it done
cio check it out
cis ***puserve information service
cmf count my fingers
cof$ church of scientology
craft can't remember a f***ing thing
craws can't remember anything worth a sh**
csl can't stop laughing
ctc choaking the chicken
cul8r see you later
cwyl chat with you later
cya cover your ass
cyl see you later
dbeyr don't believe everything you read
dd due diligence
ddd direct distance dial
deti don't even think it
dgt don't go there
dhyb don't hold your breath
dilligad do i look like i give a damn
dilligas do i look like i give a sh**
dkdc don't know don't care
dltm don't lie to me
dqydj don't quit you're day job
drib don't read if busy
dystsott did you see the size of that thing
eg evil grin
eom end of message
eso equipment **arter than operator
f2f face-to-face
fbks failure between keyboard and seat
fe fatal error
fo f*** off
foaf friend of a friend
ftasb faster than a speeding bullet
ftl faster than light
fttb for the time being
fubar f***ed up beyond all recognition
fubb f***ed up beyond belief
fud (spreading) fear, uncertainty, and fwiw for what it's worth
fya for your amusement
fyi for your information
fym for your misinformation
gal get a life
gg good game or gotta go
gigo garbage in, garbage out
giwist gee, i wish i'd said that
gl good luck
glyasdi god loves you and so do i
gmta great minds think alike
gnblfy got nothing but love for you
gr8 great
grrrr "growling"
gsoas go sit on a snake
gtg got to go
gtgb got to go, bye
gtgp got to go pee
gth go to hell
gtsy glad to see ya
gypo get your pants off
hago have a good one
hak hugs and kisses
hb hurry back
hd hold
hho1/2k ha ha, only half kidding
hhok ha ha, only kidding
hiooc help!
縮寫字母mrt有如下意義 常用 1 微生物滯留期 mean retention time 平均駐留時間。2 marginal rate of transformation 邊際轉換率。3 modis reprojection tool modis資料處理工具。4 mass rapid transit...
抗爆性就是指汽油在發動機中燃燒時抵抗爆震的能力,它是汽油燃燒效能的主要指標.爆震是汽油在發動機中燃燒不正常引起的。汽油抗爆效能指標 汽油辛烷值指標是大家最為關注的指標,因為就是通過抗爆性指標汽油產品分為90號 93號和97號,由於標號的不同,汽油產品執行效能不同,汽油 也隨之不同。那麼汽油標號的含義...
EX是什麼意思?是什麼的縮寫,I d是什麼意思?是什麼的縮寫?
ex的意思是前任,可以指前夫前妻,或者以前的男朋友和女朋友。ex 字首 pref.1.表示 由內向外 向上 超出 2.表示 免除 離開 不 無 3.表示 以前的 ex.縮寫詞 abbr.1.example 2.examination 3.except excepted exception4.exch...